I don't know where to start with this whole press 1 for English nonsense. Call me old fashioned but I can guarantee John Wayne wouldn't have stood for it. I realize we are a melting pot, at least that's what they taught me in elementary school. But we have an official language and it's English, so we need to melt into English speaking people. Now before you call me a racist, let's get something staight. I have no problem with other races. Really, I don't know why we have races. The Bible says “When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.” It doesn't matter to God or me if you are green, orange or purple; we have no problem with it. It also doesn't bother me when I am in Walmart and you are talking in your different language, I think it's rude, but it doesn't bother me. It does bother me when you sneak into the country and cost Americans money. What makes me mad is when I, an American who speaks the official language, pay taxes, abides by the laws governing this country (at least most of them), has to press 1 for English. But even when I do press 1 for English, the person I get barely speaks English. I had one the other day giving me a confirmation code and I actually thought she said "Z as in Debbie". Now before we go any further, let’s look at the fact we have an official language. Webster’s dictionary defines official as:
Official - prescribed or recognized as authorized e.g. an official language
Did you notice that? It even uses language as a further explanation of the word official. Now before we go further again, as you can see I don’t just make this crap up, I do research, although I am probably smart enough just to make it up, I want it to be factual. So now for example, we’re watching the Olympics ( I know you’re thinking how did he make the quantum leap to the Olympics, just be patient and read). Some 14 year old girl who has lived in the gym her whole life has just scored a perfect ten on the vault in true Mary Lou Retton form. They go to commercial and there’s a tire company and at the end they say, Goodyear, the official tire of the Olympics. Now what if Firestone said, we are a tire too and although we aren’t going to give you any sponsor dollars we want equality because that is only fair. Goodyear would sue them. See it’s official for a reason.
I believe we have 2 choices at this junture. Either we need to just cash in and start speaking Spanish, or someone in authority needs to do something. Getting back to Walmart, the one cool thing they have is the "self checkout". This enables you to get all your stuff and not have to talk to anyone. This is what I prefer, I'm not a social butterfly. I don't need meaningless casual conversation. You could say I'm a meat and potatoes kind of guy. When you get to that register it gives you 2 choices, English and Spanish. I refuse to push the English button and just start checking out, this does work by the way. If, however, something changes, and I am forced to push a button, I will choose Spanish, then I will act confused and mumble the few Spanish words I know to the attendant, getting progressively angrier as the time goes by when they are unable to help me because even though they offer this service, most of them cannot speak any more Spanish than me. I can see it now I will just start yelling pollo, pollo, pollo, which means chicken. It should be quite a scene man.
Official - prescribed or recognized as authorized e.g. an official language
Did you notice that? It even uses language as a further explanation of the word official. Now before we go further again, as you can see I don’t just make this crap up, I do research, although I am probably smart enough just to make it up, I want it to be factual. So now for example, we’re watching the Olympics ( I know you’re thinking how did he make the quantum leap to the Olympics, just be patient and read). Some 14 year old girl who has lived in the gym her whole life has just scored a perfect ten on the vault in true Mary Lou Retton form. They go to commercial and there’s a tire company and at the end they say, Goodyear, the official tire of the Olympics. Now what if Firestone said, we are a tire too and although we aren’t going to give you any sponsor dollars we want equality because that is only fair. Goodyear would sue them. See it’s official for a reason.

Now our area grocer has circumvented this by giving you 2 choices that say "Press here to begin” and something in Spanish that's probably the same thing. This is a trick to get you to think you are not pressing 1 for English. This makes me madder, because they think they are fooling me. Well they're not; I'm wise to you Kroger. These are the same people that charge you $4 for a 2 liter if you don't have a Kroger Card, forcing you to carry that in your wallet. That's another story for another day though.
There is another thing I have noticed; most Mexican people around here are nice and very non-confrontational. I'm not buying this crap either. This is because they are probably illegal and do not want to have a brush with the law and take the chance on getting deported. I guess it's deported, even though they actually wouldn't go to a port. But think about it, when this guy gets back to San Felipe, he has to tell his friends he got kicked out of Kentucky. Now that's embarrassing. Until we get control on our border there is no fix for this problem.
Now I am not just all gloom and doom, I have a solution for getting our border secured and in the process end the war in Iraq, or at least make it where we no longer care as much. We have about 10 million illegals, most of which we can't understand. Out of those let's say 5 million are 18 and older, and are men, women whatever, we don’t care. The local police start rounding up everyone over 18 that cannot prove citizenship, put all of them on military planes to Iraq, everytime we get 10 illegals in Iraq we bring one of our boys home and put him on border patrol. We have 150,000 soldiers in Iraq and that would be more than enough to secure our southern border. Problem solved. This would also give us a good surge of troops. Just think if instead of 150,000, we have 5 million. The good thing about that is they would probably cross the border to Iran and we could take care of that for no additional charge. I think if illegals thought they would be shipped off to war they might stay in Mexico. Finally, there are over 40 countries that have sent troops to Iraq, but Mexico is not on that list. Check for yourself, Click here . Well John Wayne and I think it's time they participate.
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