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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Aisle Lights

I went to the airport to drop off the family because I am such a control freak I had to make sure they got off ok and it got me to thinking about planes. I find it interesting that before takeoff in an airplane they go over these rules and safety regulations of the plane. I guess that’s better than saying if the plane crashes we all die though. One part I find extremely useless is the part about the aisle lights. They tell you “In the event of an emergency the aisle lights will come on and guide you out of the plane.” Well isn’t that helpful? Let’s set the stage here and see just how effective the aisle lights would be in an emergency. You’re flying let’s say 500 miles an hour, 30,000 feet above the ground, no let’s make it Hawaii, so it’s the ocean. Now according to google, 30,000 feet is approximately 5.7 miles, rounded off, or according to Triple A is equal to the distance the average American lives from Walmart (no joke, there everywhere). You are about 1 hour into a 5 hour flight from Los Angeles to Maui. Now if you passed 3rd grade math you know you are about 500 miles from the shore, cause we’re going 500 miles an hour. See learning can be fun. It’s about now the wing falls off the plane. Whereas you had two wings, you now have one. You begin a downward spiral 500 miles an hour and you are going to fall the distance of your house to Walmart. Now according to google you have somewhere in the neighborhood of 41 seconds until impact into the Pacific Ocean. Thank God the Aisle lights are on, you just might be able to see well enough to kiss you butt goodbye.

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